John Ingram, of Northumberland County (2025)

There is nothing to indicate he was the son of John Ingram.

Was he the same as John Ingram, son of Robert Ingram, of St Ives in Huntingdonshire?

Family Possibilities: John, a witness to and mentioned in the will of Joseph Ingram, is likely the brother of Joseph Ingram of St. Ives, Huntingdonshire, England who immigrated to the Virginia Colony. This John died six months after the death of Joseph Ingram of the same region.


Cross of St George
John Ingram was born in England.

John was born about 1615 in England to Robert Ingram. He immigrated to the Colony of Virginia about 1652 based on Land Patent excerpts of the Irish names from the Greer list. John and Richard Flint were credited with the transport of 8 persons. [1] On the 5th of March 1651 he promised to deliver aboard the "Margaret of London" Tobacco of Thomas Hawkins upon receipt of 88 hhds, which indicates he was a Merchant. [2] On the 11th of April 1652 he is named as a merchant who signed an Oath of Engagement [3] to do business with the Commonwealth of England and sold a Cow to Capt. Hen Fleet of Lancaster County on the 29th of January 1653. [2] There is a Court Case in 1652-1655, Northumberland, Colony of Virginia. Thomas Hawkins vs. John Ingram: it was ruled that Hawkins pay Ingram 350 lbs. tobacco thus: 100 lbs. for 6 days' work performed in Hawkin's employment, 250 for a "boate and 2 men 5 days the Journey being occasioned by a causeless suite by the 20 November next". [2]


  • 1. Thomas Ingram, b. Abt 1648, Northumberland County, Virginia d. 21 May 1707, Northumberland County, Virginia - probate (Age ~ 59 years) [Father: natural]. Married Catherine Winter.
  • 2. John Ingram, b. Bef 1644, Northumberland County, Virginia [Father: natural]
  • 3. Jane Ingram, b. Bef 1653, Northumberland County, Virginia [Father: natural]. Married John Waddy (probably)
  • 4. Elizabeth Ingram, b. Bef 1642, Northumberland County, Virginia d. 18 Oct 1688, Northumberland County, Virginia - admin. Married 1) Theodore Baker 2) Henry Heard 3) John Nicholls 4) Azaricam Parker

have extracted information from the ancestral files of "Gerry Watts"who quotes his sources on his web site ( As extracted: "Jane was probably his second wife. John migrated from Great Britain to the Colony of Virginia around themiddle of the 17 century. Settled in Northumberland County, Virginia.


Will of John Ingram of Great Wicocomocoe in the County of Northumberland.

1652-1658 Northumberland County, Virginia Record Book; ©[Frank V. Walczyk]

John Ingram his last will and testament.

  • In the name of God amen To all Christian people towhom it may concern know you that I John Ingram of Great Wicocomocoe in the County of Northumberland being in perfect thought and memory [---] sickened by the hand of almighty [] I do here make my last will and testament I bequeath my soul to almighty God and mybody to the earth from when it came.
  • First I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Ingram one feather bed with furniture belonging to it and one yearling [-] to be delivered unto my said daughter [-] after my death and one mare filly for to be [-] unto my said daughter when she shall come unto the age of eighteen years.
  • Item I give unto my son [-] Ingram two mares one mare filly and six cow calves and two feather beds with furniture belonging to them and my land that I now live on at [-] Creek namely one hundred acres which Thomas Brown now lives upon that [-] Thomas Hopkins forever.
  • Item I give unto my son Thomas two [-] one [-] one chamber pot one iron pot of five [--] and further more [page 49 L] saddle and bridle, one iron [--] of forty pound weight, one man servant for four or five years to serve.
  • Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jane Ingram my three hundred thirty and odd acres of land lying at the head of Coles Creek on Great Wicocomocoe River and two cows and two yearling heifers and one feather bed, furniture to the said bed to be given [-]
  • Item I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Jane Ingram the remainder of the estate moveable and immovable and chattel or else unto the said Jane my loving wife which she for to enjoy the same to her and her heirs forever.
  • Further more it is my will that my children shall be brought up in the fear of God and my eldest son Thomas for to be brought up to read and write."
  • my said children for to be maintained [-] affection till they reach age or be married.
  • Further as my will that Thomas Hopkins shall live during his life or as long as he pleases in the same chamber as he did when I lived that is he is for to have one roo That Tho Hopkins shall live during his life or as long as he pleases in the same manner as hedid when I lived that as he for to have one room in my house and meat drink washing & lodging and not to be interrupted by any."
  • Further I do make Overseers of my will "Mr Wm Nash,Mr Peter Knight, and Mr Thomas Hopkins for to see all things performed according to my desire” here specified under my hand as witness under my hand the 8th day of April 1654.
  • Dated 8 April 1654. Signed John Ingram.
  • Witness:Ger Dodson and Robert Burell, Thomas Brewers mark.
  • Proved 20 November, 1654. Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Volume I, Northumberland County Records, 1652-1655, p. 396-397."

end of quoted material." -end of quoted material In Northumberland In 1761 (VA Court Records VI) (Death Date From IGI)At his Estate on Dividing Creek, Great Wicomico,Northumberland Co., VA

Additional Information




  1. "The Waddy Family of Northumberland County, Virginia," by O. A. Keach, The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 4, April 1917, Pages 254-267. Published by: Omohundro Institute, DOI: 10.2307. Page 255. < GoogleBooks >; < AncestryImage > INGRAM: Will of John Ingram, of Northumberland County, proved November 20, 1654, names wife Jane; daughters Elizabeth and Jane; son Thomas Ingram.
John Ingram, of Northumberland County (2025)


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